Previous Events: BADS 2010 BADS 2009
Selected papers will be invited to the Natural Computing Journal, Springer (indexed by ISI).
Call for Papers (pdf version)
Computer systems are characterized by an ever growing complexity and
a pronounced distributed nature. Centralized or hierarchical
architectures are becoming impractical because they have poor
scalability and fault-tolerance characteristics. Decentralized
architectures and algorithms, for example P2P and Grid systems, are
increasingly popular, but they need new types of algorithms to be
efficiently managed.
Bio-inspired algorithms and techniques feature fault-tolerant and
self-adaptive behaviours that help to boost the autonomic nature of
distributed systems, and are proving effective for the solution of
hard parallel and distributed problems. These techniques are
sometimes “evolutionary”, as they can exploit genetic rules for the
selection and recombination of candidate solutions. In other cases,
solutions rely on the operations of agents, whose behaviour is
inspired by biological systems, including ant colonies, bird flocks,
honey bees, bacteria, and many more. In such systems, “swarm
intelligence” emerges from the interaction of a large number of very
simple agents.
Bio-inspired algorithms and systems are routinely applied to hard
and large problems in a variety of areas. Some examples are
optimization problems solved with genetic algorithms, routing
strategies inspired by honey bee behaviour, resource discovery and
data mining computations in Grid, Cloud and P2P frameworks, achieved
by ant-inspired algorithms, and so on.
This full day workshop aims to gather scientists, engineers, and
practitioners to share and exchange their experiences, discuss
challenges, and report state-of-the-art and in-progress research on
bio-inspired algorithms and systems.
The proceedings of BADS 2011 will be published by ACM and distributed at the workshop.
Selected papers will be invited to the Natural Computing Journal, Springer (indexed by ISI).
After the past two
editions, revised and extended versions of selected papers were included in
special issues of Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier (vol.26/6), and
New Generation Computing, Springer (to appear in 2011).
Areas of interest
In this workshop we are interested in the exploitation of bio-inspired algorithms and systems for the support of the effective
design and efficient implementation of distributed systems.
The topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Bio-inspired and self-* algorithms for parallel and distributed computing
Bio-inspired and self-* algorithms for P2P, Grid and Cloud systems
Bio-inspired and self-* techniques for the construction and management of distributed systems
Bio-inspired and self-* algorithms for data distribution, discovery, service
composition, etc.
Parallel and distributed techniques of Swarm Intelligence: ant colonies, flocks of birds, etc..
Parallel and distributed evolutionary algorithms
High performance tools for bio-inspired
and self-* algorithms and systems
Application of bio-inspired and
self-* algorithms to routing, resource discovery, scheduling in parallel and distributed systems
Bio-inspired and self-*algorithms for data mining, bioinformatics, etc
Bio-inspired and self-*
algorithms for social networks
Bio-inspired and self-*
algorithms for energy saving in distributed networks